Yum Yum (Columbia)
One of our staple favorites here at Zaggs Coffee. The Yum Yum is a medium roast from the Castillo, Caturra region of Colombia. It’s balanced notes of sweetness, fruity effervescence, and foundation of cocoa and/or toffee make it a great go to coffee in our house.
One of our staple favorites here at Zaggs Coffee. The Yum Yum is a medium roast from the Castillo, Caturra region of Colombia. It’s balanced notes of sweetness, fruity effervescence, and foundation of cocoa and/or toffee make it a great go to coffee in our house.
One of our staple favorites here at Zaggs Coffee. The Yum Yum is a medium roast from the Castillo, Caturra region of Colombia. It’s balanced notes of sweetness, fruity effervescence, and foundation of cocoa and/or toffee make it a great go to coffee in our house.
Excelso Gran Galope
Gran Galope was born after the creation of “Regional Select”, which was our way of highlighting the distinct regional differences we saw coming out of Colombia. We heard from producers that they wanted to sell us more of their coffee, and Gran Galope as a program allows us to buy more and pay more along the larger quality spectrum for high quality coffees from these hardworking men and women in Colombia.
Gran Galope lots are Excelso grade coffees (15/16 screen size) that have been cupped and evaluated for their "workhorse" versatility. These lots are expected to have a balance of sweetness, fruity effervescence, and a foundation of cocoa and/or toffee. Most Excelso Gran Galope offerings are a blend of coffees from between 10–30 smallholder farmers and are traceable to the region. Gran Galope selections from Huila are cupped and purchased in Pitalito; selections from Cauca are cupped and purchased in Popayán; and Nari?o Gran Galopes are cupped and purchased in both Pasto and La Unión.